- Posted By Scott
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- Dec 08, 2023
In recent days, there has been considerable press given (although some may say not enough) to the plight of the Security Guard and the injuries and fatalities that have taken place. As professional security providers, we have a duty to both the industry and our team members to review these terrible incidents and work to a resolution. As we have previously written, at 3D Security and Response, we strongly advocate for the implementation of graduated li

- Posted By Scott
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- Oct 08, 2023
Security, like many industries, has an educational component to it – when our clients contact us, they may not be aware exactly of what their security requirements are. They will, or in many cases should, look to their trusted security contractor to provide guidance on making sure that they are protected. What hinders this relationship is when there is a “one size fits all” attitude to security. In the industry, this is something known as “checking th

- Posted By Scott
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- Sep 10, 2023
Private security guards quite often get a bad rep when it comes to the effectiveness of their services. A lot of this bad press is a result of our own complicity – labour shortage, limited quality assurance, and lack of understanding of different assignments are just a few. Every company will address these challenges in a different way. At 3DSRS, we begin each meeting by reading our mission statement: "To Enhance the perception of uniformed security

- Posted By Scott
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- Aug 22, 2022
A multiplier is defined as a factor that amplifies or increases the base value of something else. When discussing security multipliers, we are looking for ways to enhance the security of an event, assignment, or facility. As a simple illustration accompanying this article (which is used in our Capable Guardian course), the security multipliers are identified by those pulling with both hands, while the standard security guard is only pulling with one

- Posted By Scott
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- Jul 24, 2022
The uniformed security industry, much like most industries at this time, are going through a labour shortage. It is getting increasingly harder to find staff members, let alone to find and hire motivated, professional uniformed security team members. This is a fact that must be addressed by professional security managers, rather than expending energy on lamenting on the work ethics of the industry.

- Posted By Scott
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- Apr 02, 2022
One of the challenges of event security is walking the line between good customer service and being an authority of the venue to enforce the rules. It is a fine line to walk for many uniformed security staff because, if they are too relaxed, they will face criticism for not doing the job properly. On the flip side, a hyper-vigilant guard is often perceived to be aggressive and spoiling for a reason to engage.

- Posted By Scott
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- Mar 16, 2022
One of our core beliefs is that, when it comes to security, one size does not fit all. Too often, guards who receive their security license are thrust into unfamiliar situations and left to flounder. Unfortunately, this reflects negatively on the security guard and the security company, as well as the security industry as a whole. Untrained guards are too often used as naysayers as a reason to not trust, hire, or rely on private security.

- Posted By Scott
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- Oct 10, 2021
There is a saying that many are familiar with and that is “GIGO - Garbage in, Garbage out†. Translated loosely, this means that incorrect or faulty inputs will always produce a faulty output. We would like to tell our readers that sometimes the opposite, “Garbage Out, Garbage Inâ€, may apply when it comes to the tendering process in Condominiums.

- Posted By Scott
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- Sep 25, 2021
There are many adages about planning, like “if you fail to plan, then you better plan to failâ€, or “a goal without a plan is just a wishâ€. One saying that reminds us to be flexible in our Emergency Planning is from Dwight D Eisenhower: “In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensableâ€.

- Posted By Scott
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- Sep 21, 2021
When we started 3D Security Services, we knew that we would not win every (or even most) of the contracts to which we were invited to bid. No, this is not a defeatist attitude; rather, it is a realism that we were searching for a specific client - one who takes security as seriously as we do! Occasionally, the current business environment may be at odds with our mission statement, which is to “Raise the perception of Uniformed Security in the prov

- Posted By Scott
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- Aug 19, 2021
According to the Private Security and Investigative Services Act, Security Guards are designated to protect people, property, and intelligence. However, the reality for many is that they are there to observe people, property, and intelligence! Many companies (usually big-box organizations) have opted to have a “hands-off†approach when it comes to security. Understandably, this keeps both the training and insurance costs low. A company can pull

- Posted By Scott
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- Jun 11, 2021
Previously, the prevailing thought in condominium security was that if you can slow up the adversary at the building envelope for even 5 minutes, they would lose interest and move on to a softer target. What we are seeing this year is that thought is no longer holding true for various reasons.

- Posted By Scott
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- May 29, 2021
At the time of the writing, Ontario is being subjected to a rash of bike thefts and a lot of condominiums are being targeted repeatedly. As we have stated previously, we believe that the reason that condominiums get targeted so frequently is that, historically, condominiums are very soft on security. When a security problem arises, the traditional method of dealing with it is to look for the cheapest (or free) method to address it, rather than the m

- Posted By Scott
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- Apr 15, 2021
There is a distinction between condominiums that have implemented a security system and those that simply have security equipment in place. Over the past 5 years, we have been fortunate to work with many condominium corporations to shift their condominium from being one that owns security equipment to a condominium with a robust security system and a definitive plan of protection. So how do we know the difference? To begin, we must define what is a se

- Posted By Scott
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- Feb 12, 2021
At the beginning of our 3D Security staff meetings, the first thing that we do as a team is to read our mission statement which is posted on the top of the meeting agenda (note: we do not read it out loud and all together – that would be either corny or scary!).

- Posted By Scott
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- Jan 26, 2021
There will always be debatable questions: “Coke†vs “Pepsi†or “Team Jacob vs Team Edward†or “Senators or Maple Leaf’sâ€, but for condominium security systems one could be “Cameras vs Security Guards & Conciergesâ€â€¦So which one is better? It is a simple question that defies a simple answer. Why? Because at the end of the day, both of them (when used together) compliment each other and make the condominium more secure. One

- Posted By Scott
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- Jan 08, 2021
At 3D Security Services, we have noted a recent trend in the security business where professional security providers are no longer seeking to be “all things to all peopleâ€. Previously, Security Companies seemed to compete with each other on various different projects and it was usually (especially where condominiums are concerned) the low bidder that won the contract. This process was reinforced by the industry perception that all security compan

- Posted By Scott
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- Dec 31, 2020
Although there is always value in synergy and being budget conscious by combining roles, it must be stated that a superintendent is not security for the condominium. While we would be the first to affirm that these hard-working individuals are important to the security of the building (usually they know the building, who should be there, what contractors should have access, etc.), our opinion is that they should not be put in a position of actively r

- Posted By Scott
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- Apr 04, 2020
The Department of Homeland Security has a famous saying: “if you see something, say somethingâ€. Even if you are not familiar with the saying, it is very applicable for today’s environment with many people going into self-isolation. There is a CPTED (crime prevention through environmental design) concept called “Natural Surveillanceâ€. This concept means that, the more people watching (and saying something), the less likely a bad actor will

- Posted By Scott
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- Mar 28, 2020
In one of his Jack Reacher novels (The Hard Way), Lee Child has two retired military characters talking about levels of performance. One of them states “They used to be outstanding but now they are well on their way to being average. Plenty of experience and ability, but they don’t train anymore…. Back in the day, training was 99% of what we did…â€. This is something that we take to heart at 3D Security Services; in order to maintain securi

- Posted By Scott
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- Feb 24, 2018
At 3D Security Services, we are believers in education and certification. As with any intellectual endeavour, review is critical. I had the opportunity to be reading Timothy D. Gilles’ excellent text book “How to Develop and Implement a Security Master Planâ€, and one of the sentences jumped out at me as very relevant to the condominium security field. In the opening chapter, Mr. Gilles discusses that while those in the Security Field are very

- Posted By Scott
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- Feb 06, 2018
It comes as a considerable surprise to most condo managers and board members that those three magic words printed on your master keys: DO NOT COPY....is only a suggestion. Bottom line is that those words are a request to all locksmiths to abide by your direction/wishes in this matter. Hard as this may be to believe, there are no laws or rules in Ontario that prevent the locksmith from duplicating condominium keys without proper authorization.

- Posted By Scott
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- Oct 10, 2017
In psychology, there is a learning model called the “Four Stages of Competence†or the “Conscious Competence Ladderâ€. Basically, there are four steps to this ladder, and it is interesting how they relate to Condominium Security, especially the first two. The four steps are: 1. Unconscious Incompetence, 2. Conscious Incompetence, 3. Conscious Competence, 4. Unconscious Competence. Before proceeding, it must be stated that the term “Incompet

- Posted By Scott
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- Aug 18, 2017
One of the many questions that we get asked during our security presentations or audits is about security vs. privacy concerns, especially how it relates to security cameras. We have to qualify the following article with the statement that we are not lawyers and are not in the position to provide legal advice in this (or any other) matter - we will leave that to our smarter, lawyer friends who are so generous with their likes, shares and re-tweets.

- Posted By Scott
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- Jul 24, 2017
CPTED is an acronym for Crime Prevention through Environmental Design. The purpose of implementing CPTED principles into the design of the facility is to reduce the opportunities for crime that are inherent in the design of the condominium or neighbourhood. CPTED has a proven record of being properly researched and utilized successfully on an international basis. It also has a history of increasing responsible and positive use of the property while a

- Posted By Scott
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- Jul 01, 2017
When it comes to implementing security solutions, a lot of facilities (including condominiums) are hesitant to upgrade their existing systems to newer ones. The common feeling is that they are concerned that as soon as they put in a new security device, it will become obsolete in a short span of time. They feel that this will mean that they have wasted their money on a useless system.

- Posted By Scott
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- May 06, 2017
One of the objections that we often hear when a facility contemplates security upgrades is a fear that the measures will make the residents feel like they are in prison. However, when properly planned and executed, the implementation of a security system will reassure the residents rather than alarm them. As mentioned in Myth #2, there are many different ways that security measures can be incorporated into the Physical Protection System (PPS). To reca

- Posted By Scott
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- Apr 24, 2017
Robert Ringer, in his book Winning through Intimidation, speaks very articulately on the subject of the “expert from afar†syndrome. Basically, the concept is that sometimes internal advice can fall on deaf ears, but when that same advice is espoused by an external source, it receives all sorts of credibility and applause. Over our 20 years with condominium management, we have seen this theory in action multiple times.

- Posted By Scott
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- Mar 16, 2017
In our last blog, we started to describe the “Piñata-style†of addressing security concerns. In this style (or lack of style), security decisions are made randomly and without any long term consideration for integration and functionality. We describe it in this manner because it seems like the building is flailing away, blindly, at an elusive goal, hoping to a make contact.

- Posted By Scott
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- Mar 09, 2017
In order to plan and implement effective protection for a facility, one must be a forward-focused visionary with an excellent memory. Although that may sound like a contradiction, proper facility security planning must incorporate aspects from both the future, and the past, of the building.

- Posted By Scott
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- Mar 05, 2017
As we have previously discussed, Condominium and Building Facilities have many expenses that must compete for their limited dollars. This can result in items that do not show an immediate return, though are still very important, being placed lower down on the list of priorities for the building.

- Posted By Scott
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- Feb 11, 2017
As mentioned previously, Condominium Security usually relays on 2 aspects: Video Surveillance and Access Control. Condominiums are using Fobs and/or remote controls (collectively known as access control devices) to control entry to the building for several reasons: They are more secure as they provide information on who accessed the common element with a date/time stamp. In the event of a security incident, this information may be very important.

- Posted By Scott
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- Jan 28, 2017
There are facts and myths in every industry and the Security/Condominium field is no exception. One of the most common justifications for a lack of action is often “it has never happened before, so why do we need to worry about it.â€

- Posted By Scott
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- Dec 20, 2016
If there is one Great Consistent in the Condominium industry, it is the fact that condominium board members and property managers are under intense, crushing pressure to keep costs down. This can cause conflict when there is a difference of opinion between board members when it comes to spending money. Occasionally, you will get a personality on the Board that is opposed to spending money on pure principle (regardless of the argument for...

- Posted By Scott
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- Nov 29, 2016
There are many benefits to living in a condominium. Part of the attraction seems to be the fact that condominium corporations elect a Board of Directors to ensure that the owners’ investment (their condo) is well looked after. This can range from producing annual budgets, ensuring long term investments are free from risk, renewing snow removal contractors and/or replacing the roof (just to name a few).

- Posted By Scott
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- Oct 04, 2016
For most Condominiums, the major components of the Security Solution include access control (key for a few older condominiums, but mostly fobs for the newer ones) and the security video system. The access control system is used to Delay (and restrict) access to the building, where the camera system (hereafter referred to as VSS or Video Surveillance system) is used to Detect any unwanted intrusion to the property.

- Posted By Scott
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- Oct 02, 2016
Welcome to the final section of our 3-part blog series on Condominium Security. Previously, we spoke about the other two topics which were Education and Integration. This blog will be discussing Implementation of the Condominium Security Solution.

- Posted By Scott
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- Aug 26, 2016
August is Condominium Security month at 3D Security Services. We would like to welcome everyone to the second part of our 3-part blog series to help both Condominium Managers and the Board of Director with security awareness within their condominium buildings. As we mentioned in the last blog, the three topics that we will be discussing are Education, Integration and Implementation.

- Posted By Scott
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- Aug 15, 2016
August is Condominium Security month at 3D Security Services,. We would like to welcome everyone to our 3-part blog series to help both Condominium Managers and Board of Director Members with security awareness within their buildings. As we mentioned in the last blog, the three topics that we will be discussing are Education, Integration and Implementation.

- Posted By Scott
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- Aug 07, 2016
As you may be aware, our core business at 3D Security Services is the supplying of security expertise (in audits, assessments, presentations and project management) to the Property Manager’s of Condominium Corporations as well as the Board of Directors that run these facilities. Our combination of practical experience, industry-education and professional designations (in Condominium Management, Physical Security and Project Management) uniquely pos

- Posted By Scott
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- Jul 22, 2016
In our experience, this rings particularly true when discussing the Physical Security System (PSS) in a property (like a condominium) where the system is not replaced but expanded over the years. This cycle starts at the beginning when a system is put in place. When a developer commissions a facility, there is usually not an abundance of planning that is put into the PSS. Usually, their preferred contractor is awarded the contract and directed to pu

- Posted By Scott
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- Jul 15, 2016
Recently, 3D Security Services has been commissioned to undertake the assessment of security systems of many Ottawa condominiums. When completing these assessments, we are reviewing and evaluating the PSS (Physical Security System) in order to identify vulnerabilities as well as providing recommendations to make the system more effective. As part of the review process, we examine and test various aspects of the PSS, just some of them being the CCTV..